Collected Water Quality Parameters
Water quality data are collected from stations within or adjacent to an Aquatic Preserve and reported at 30- or 15-minute intervals.
Parameters and Units
- Temp: Water temperature is measured in degrees Celsius (C).
- SpCond: Specific conductivity is measured in milli-Siemens per centimeter (mS/cm).
- Sal: Salinity is measured in either parts per thousand (ppt) or practical salinity units (psu) based on sensor.
- DO_pct: Dissolved oxygen is measured in percent saturation (%).
- DO_mgl: Dissolved oxygen concentration is measured in milligrams per Liter (mg/L).
- Depth: Sonde depth is measured in meters (m).
- pH: pH is measured in standard units.
- Turb: Turbidity is measured in either nephelometric turbidity or formazin nephelometric units (NTU/FNU) based on sensor and are considered to be equivalent for program purposes.
Additional Dataset Column Headers
- F_Record: Flag column pertaining to all data parameters, may contain QA/QC codes which are defined in the metadata.
- F_Parameter: Flag column pertaining to the given parameter, may contain QA/QC flags or codes which are defined in the metadata.
- Historical: Column pertaining to which stage of QA/QC has been completed. A “0”
indicates tertiary QA/QC has not been completed; a “1” indicates tertiary QA/QC has been
completed and the data is considered authenticated.
- ProvisionalPlus: Column pertaining to which stage of QA/QC has been completed. A “0”
indicates that primary QA/QC has been completed; a “1” indicates that secondary QA/QC
has been completed.
To learn more about the QA/QC process for the Florida Aquatic Preserve Water Quality Monitoring Program, please visit the QA/QC page at
Please contact if you have any questions regarding the data or the QA/QC process used.